What does PFAS & PFOA-free cooking mean?

Cooking Totem Non Stick 100% PFAS & PFOA Vrij
Why is PFAS and PFOA-free cooking so important and what is it really? In your kitchen, you want your cooking to be delicious but also healthy. That doesn't always have to do with the ingredients you use. Cooking with pans that are free of toxic substances is also important. What do these abbreviations stand for and what does PFAS and PFOA-free cooking mean?

PFAS and PFOA in your pan set?

PFAS is an umbrella term for synthetic chemicals. Such as poly- and perfluorocarbons. These chemicals are used to make items resistant to water, oil and dirt. Like, for example, the non-stick pans you might use.

PFAS chemicals are difficult to biodegrade. A study has shown that it can take up to 800 years for some of the chemical components to fully break down.

PFOA stands for perfluorooctanoic acid. It consists of perfluorinated carboxylic acid and fluorosurfactant. These harmful substances are also used, for example, to make household utensils. Such as pan sets, non-stick cookware and oven dishes. Earlier, you mainly found PFOA in non-stick pans coated with Teflon.

Why cooking with a pan set that is free of PFAS and PFOA is important

PFAS and PFOA-free cooking is important. Especially if you care about the environment, your health and that of others. Both substances are harmful to our environment and health. During the production process, PFAS can end up in the air, water and soil. So the substances are also in our food chain.

Just think of the fish, meat, fruit, vegetables and even the water from the tap. Toxic fumes can also be released when a pan with a traditional non-stick coating overheats. The substances fill our house after which we inhale them. If you cook with a pan that is not PFAS and PFOA-free, you ingest a hefty amount of harmful substances on a daily basis.

In fact, a study shows that an awful lot of harmful substances can be released while cooking with these pans. For instance, you should not use these sets to cook at high temperatures. This is not only because the high temperatures damage the coating, but also because the non-stick surface gives off toxic fumes during heating. The pan coating breaks down, releasing chemicals.

Health risks

But, even if you are careful with these pans and never cook at high temperatures, you have probably already ingested PFOA. Are you still using a pan set made with one of these chemicals? Then replace it with a safe and PFOA-free alternative as soon as possible. High concentration causes health problems.

A study has shown that in this case, you are more at risk of a weakened immune system, hormonal imbalance, increased cholesterol, cancer and cardiovascular disease. So a healthy lifestyle also starts with PFAS and PFOA-free cooking.

Which pans can you use to cook safely and responsibly?

A kitchen is not complete without a good non-stick pan or frying pan. Fortunately, there are also high-quality pans with a 3-layer non-stick coating without PFAS or PFOA. Of course, the same goes for the utensils you use. Such as coated meat tongs, spatulas and spoons. If you want to cook responsibly in pans without a harmful coating or non-stick layer, you don't have to compromise on design. The CookingTotem is a great example. A 5-piece stackable pan set with a safe non-stick coating that allows you to cook stylishly and PFAS and PFOA-free on any heat source.
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